2/18/2012 The Knitting Factory Reno NV
All shots from photo pit/ photos at bottom of review
YESSSSSS Testament finally rolls into Reno on a Saturday night and plays the Knitting Factory, one of the hottest entertainment venue's in the Northern Nevada and I say the Northern California area to. A quick shout out to Bruce. Thanks bro !
Just a few words about the Knit. This place rocks ! If you haven't caught a show here plan on doing it soon. Great atmosphere and a very friendly staff that are way to cool. While your there make sure to check out The Topshelf Lounge & Grill upstairs. Overall a top notch venue.
A quick set change after Prong and the crowd didn't want to wait much longer. The very loud chant of "Test-a-ment" rose from the crowd. The lights cut out, the intro starts to play and the crowd goes nuts. Being in the photo pit and watching the folks up against the barrier go crazy, I wondered how many bodies I was going to have land on me as they flew over the wall. I didn't have to wait long. The band walks out and here the fans come. I take one in the back. No issue though this is what metal is all about. I love it !
The band fires into "The Preacher" off their 1988 release "The New Order" and Testament proves why their in the elite category of the forefathers of "Thrash Metal"
The band if fronted by vocalist Chuck Billy along with the incredible duel guitar attack of Alex Skolnick and Eric Peterson. Rounding out the band Is Greg Christian on bass and Gene Hoglan on drums.
Chuck Billy did a great job of firing up and challenging the crowd for the song "Into the Pit". His vocals this night were one of the best of the several times I have seen the band. What to say about Mr Skolnick and Mr Peterson that hasn't been said before. These two guitarist are plain and simple bad ass ! They amaze me every time. They dueled during several of their songs and headbanged along with the crowd at a fevered pitch. I stood two feet in front of both these guys and the energy in their playing this night was beyond this world. Not to be overlooked was Greg Christian on bass. Greg was on fire and he worked side by side with Alex working the crowd. Mr Holgan the latest drummer for the band impressed all with some intense drumming. What a group of talent. Definitely this night was a "Testament" of their legacy.
The band covered songs from throughout their career and played one of my favorites " More Than Meets the Eye" off 2008's " The Formation of Damnation". This was definitely not the night to miss Testament. All cylinders firing. They ended the show with the title track "The Formation of Damnation" to a crowd that was in a complete frenzy for more. What a freakin killer show !
After the show I got to meet up with Alex Skolnick and Eric Petterson outside their bus. Both were way to cool signing and answering questions making sure they met everyone there. I had Alex sign a shot I took a few years back and he gave me a very serious complement on my photo. Nice to have your work acknowledged. A great ending to another great show at "The Knit"